
Hello! I build tech for a living and love creativity manifested in any form. My hobbies include art, music, football, literature, and cooking.
I occasionally write/doodle on my blog and on Medium when something stirs me up enough.
Please pardon me for the content being a bit dated. I've been focusing on teaching and mentoring alongside my day job for the past few years.


A full-stack engineer by experience, I love building useful, intuitive, and beautiful solutions using technology. I am currently a part of the talented team at PayPal, where I work on providing merchants around the world with delightful reporting and accounting experiences.
Before this, I worked at Myntra on a variety of projects, ranging from image processing, to mobile/web application development, and building highly scalable backend services for the core platform.


Drop by, say 'Hi!'.
You can reach me at Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Behance, Github, Tumblr or via mail for work.

Recent Posts

A Joyous Cry

The sun was really bright. Or maybe it was just him. It felt itchy on his skin for a while. Like a million tiny needles pressing against his skin, struggling to find their way to the revolting turbulence beneath. His blood...

Building Scalable Web Services in Golang

A look at my early forays into, and learnings from my experiences building backend services using Go. If you're new to the world of Go, this may serve as an excellent set of pointers and learning references. Give it a read!


An amateurish, yet sincere attempt at conveying what my heart whispers, via poetry.

Recent Work


Apply virtual makeup on an image of a face.
Built using OpenCV Python.
Check it out on Github.


A simplistic, distraction-free, web-based text editor, with speech-to-text capabilities.
Built using HTML, CSS, and Js.
Try it out here, and check out the code at Github.

YouTube Spam Measure

A web application meant to measure the likelyhood of a YouTube video being spam.
Built using Python CGI and the Google YouTube API. Made in collaboration with Kashish Grover.
Check out the code on Github.

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